Sunday, October 18, 2009

happy birthday!!!!!

it has been a long time i did not drop anything here...
a month i guess....
haha..actually i really busy with the assignments....
starting from the lab report till the autocad...too many i guess
the presentation too...aigoo
there are many things i wanna tell you...
starting raya till today..
this year raya really interesting ....i dunno why maybe it just my feeling..
we went to pantai cahaya bulan...stay there for one night and having barbeque..
having good time there...
i eat a lot since i cannot it them when i fly back to sarawak..
all the kelantan food are really delicious....

when i was in my way back to kuching...
something unexpected happened...
i cannot tell it cuz it is really a secret....
my flight went delayed for about 2 hours.....
at last i managed to arrive there safely....

straight from that night i worked on my assignments...
lab report...we need to hand in all the 6 lab report in a row...
woooah..though it sounds a few....
but ..let me tell you tell the truth..
each of the report have at least 10 pages so ...
what if 6 lab report?...
looking at my friends..they struggle to complete all the reports...burning the midnight oils..
me too..
i stayed up till 6 in the morning.....on that time i feel very dizzy...
but, there are really interesting story happens instead of it...
but i cant tell you..hahaha

after the reports..then t comes the pbl...
luckily our group have done half of it before so,we just need to combine our part only...phew..
then we need to prepare for the presentation...
funny things happen...
haha..dunno how to say it....
but i really loved my lab groupmate..they are really nice..
thank you friends for making my day brighter...
last friday, we present our topic at the chancellery building in the dr.Ibrahim's meeting room..
really nervous..not enough prep..
thanks to God ...we did it well and i can answer the question asked by the lecturer..
on that night too...i have to present TITAS but, i just read the slide...huhuhu

five assigments to go...
2 from management, autocad, engineering mathematics, and mechanics..
aigoo...really banyak maaa...
time management is really important now...

my birthday.....yay!!
really happy.... my housemate plan a surpised party for me...
reaaaaaaaaaaally happy ......kamsa hamida...
hey guys..the cake is so delicious...
thanks to:
aied-my housemate
arinah & bai- my another housemate(same house but diff room)
liza & sarah-my friend...(dpn umah je..huhu)

really appreciate it...
i also would like to thank all the people who had wished me happy birthday..kamsa hamida
i really remember when i was in matriculation...that year, i got 4 cakes...huhu
one from my family. my suju gang,my friend and my roomate(ah yin)
my wish this year?
same as last last year...and it will still be the same until the wish is fulfilled...istiqamah katakan..

one month to go...
i really miss my home...huhu~
but exam.....need to strive hard..
my swollen finger(due to my archery practice) is getting better now...
tomorrow i have my role play...need to prepared for it..must be perfect!

currently listening and addicted to kara-wanna and snsd-chocolate love!!

p/s: really waiting for the super show 2 to be held in malaysia....they(super junior) will come to thai next month...i wanna go!!!!!


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